
Judy Huerta has converted her vast experience managing veterinary hospitals to managing attorneys and dockets, and brought an incredible work ethic to the firm. Instead of being meticulous with hospital drug inventory, she is now meticulous with legal documents. Judy quickly adapted to communicating with attorneys by viewing them as a new species of animal that she wants to help.

Melissa Lucas has acquired hundreds of years of patent legal assistant experience and applies it to help her practitioners more than they realize. She can often be heard trying to also help USPTO personnel process forms properly and discovering issues in client systems. Prior to becoming a paralegal, Melissa taught preschool for more than a decade. Transitioning from toddlers to lawyers…

Keitha Washburn has numerous talents to lend to the firm. She has a JD and focused on human resources issues in her studies. While raising two wonderful young ladies prevents her from using all of her powers for the firm, she has been able to apply her analytical skills to synthesizing communications and supporting the firm’s growing docket.